Chamber Dry Wells
by Cultec
The Low Cost, Low Impact Development Solution For Retention, Detention, Conveyance & Water Reuse

Cultec chambers are designed as an open bottom, high-density polyethylene infiltration chamber which functions in both permeable and non-permeable soils for subsurface retention, detention, conveyance and reuse and for a water quality BMP. It reduces nutrient and other pollutant loadings by taking advantage of the natural biological and physical properties of the soil, directly comparable to the functions of a septic drain field. It also recharges ground water drinking supplies, while concurrently helping to maintain base flow to streams, wetlands, lakes, and ponds, and counter salt-water intrusion.
Plastic chamber systems are cost-effective and require less maintenance than other types of underground storm water management systems.
Chambers are available in a variety of heights, based on job requirements.Chambers are H20 load rated.
Dry Well/DetentionChamber systems are highly effective dry wells for storm water detention and retention. In addition to detaining stormwater they also recharge the ground water, maintain base flow and improve water quality with formation of a biomat on the surrounding stone and soil. This acts as a natural filtration, leaving the soil cleaner.
Chamber Applications