Rainwater PreFilters
Intewa USA – Purain Rainwater Prefilters
Introducing Intewa, manufacturer of the Purain hydraulic jump filter. This hydraulic jump technology cleans itself automatically during a heavy storm. The design inspiration comes from nature: you see it in streams. As water flows over large rocks, a swirling eddy forms at the base. The stones are washed clean by the hydraulic force.
During lighter rainfall, the filter is 100% efficient. This is very different from other designs, where the first (only?) rain washes away.
The 4″ and 6″ sizes are molded plastic, and the larger sizes are fabricated from plastic sheets.
Purain USA
Product information, video demonstrations, etc., here
See the chart below for sizes and recommended flow rates:
* The “Invert” in the chart above is the drop from inlet to outlet. These are some of the lowest in the industry, and allow for filters to be installed inside tanks, out of sight.
The below ground models are suitable for direct burial, and have an access opening for filter cleaning.
Rainharvesting Pty. Leafeater Advanced
There are more expensive downspout filters, but our experience is that this one is the best. . .
The Leaf Eater Advanced™ is the next generation Rain Head, featuring the new Clean Shield™ (single screen) technology and VH Pivot™ outlet. The Leaf Eater Advanced™ Rain Head prevents debris from entering the Rain Harvesting system, improves water quality and reduces tank/cistern maintenance.
The single screen incorporates Clean Shield™ technology which deflects leaves and debris away from the flow of water. This minimizes maintenance and enhances catchment efficiency. This Rain Head incorporates a VH Pivot™ outlet that swivels to suit vertical or horizontal downspouts. The Leaf Eater Advanced™ can also be used as a debris removing device even when rainwater is not being collected
Features and Benefits